Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wow, here it is the First of August already!

Where does the time go? I wish I knew. It is really hot here this week. I did a bunch of housework yesterday, really busted my rump and therefore am taking it easy today. I go some books from Barnes and Noble yesterday and today (and more tomorrow as they are sending one order in three, but the shipping is free, so I don't care) so I am about to couch out with a book and some iced tea.

I am making pork tenderloin for dinner and am trying to decide if I want to grill it (it is REALLY hot) or throw it in the crock pot. I guess the grilling wins out as that sounds tastier even if it is hot. Maybe grilled veggies with it. There dinner is done. Well almost.

I have really been working on conquering clutter and have made lot of headway this summer. It feels great. I should try to remember to pick up the newest Oprah Magazine as I think there is supposed to be an organizing theme to it. Laugh if you wish, but, I have gotten a lot of good advice on clutter from Oprah.

The best tip I have heard lately is to take each of your kitchen drawers and dump them each into their own box. Then for a month, when you need something, you open a box, take out the item and use it, then wash and return it to the drawer. At the end of the month what is left in the box gets trashed or donated or sold. Good idea. Yes, you live with boxes in your kitchen (or you can do one drawer a month) but you end up seeing what you really do use and you get rid of the rest relatively painlessly.

The wax tart burning today is Eucalyptus Mist by Beaded Hemp. Just wonderful.

Well, off I go to the couch.