Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Thoughts on Blah

It's another great day in paradise. This morning I have been thinking about blah. Ordinary. Mundane. I suppose those are both words for blah. A fellow Momwriter, has started blogging - check her out at http://blatheringhousewife.blogspot.com/

Blah is good. In the ordinary, we are extraordinary if that makes sense. Years ago, in another lifetime, I lived in Nashville and had some encounters with the out of the ordinary and realized I would never like that. When I came home, met my now husband and got married, I was happy. I probably would have worked after I had my daughter, but health problems intruded and it ended up that I am mostly a SAHM. And, I am happy with that. I find bliss in the mundane. Sometimes I think this is because I did marry when I was in my thirties and had spent a fair amount of time living single, with no responsibilities and I wore myself out. (sort of) So, now being a homebody for the most part suits me.

We had a lot of rain yesterday and the temp cooled off. The garden is green and has that slightly wild look I really like. It is quiet around here today, the Wild Child is busy in her room, and I suppose I should be concerned, but, I am actually enjoying it. Yesterday, was one of those days that she had to have my attention most of the time, so quiet is good.

Lately, I have really gotten into reading other bloggers, and I will someday, hopefully soon, figure out how to put up a list of blogs I read on a sidebar here. It would make it handy for me. I really like this one, http://www.planethuff.com/darkside

The most recent post there about the disappearance of Shawn Hornebeck interests me a lot as it was pretty close to home. It just blows my mind that children, well anyone, can just disappear. It angers me that sexual predators just run around and that so many children are harmed. I don't have any answers, but, I am angry.

I should be working on many things. My website if I ever want to get it up. My novel. Lessons for a class I will be teaching in the fall. To my credit I am pretty well done with lesson plans for home schooling this year. So, I guess I will try to get started on something.

I also need to decide on dinner today. I have no clue, and no desire to cook. I will probably get over that. I hope.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

This Is What's Wrong With This Country

Somethings just make me want to cry. Arianna Huffington's blog is right on as it so often is.


My 8 Year Old is Smarter than Bush

Ha!!!! This made my morning http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0508110039aug11,1,3559354.story?coll=chi-news-hed
Bush was in IL yesterday to grandstand and sign a bill and bungled the name of our Governor. Last fall, at a local Democratic dinner, my then 7 year old got an unexpected opportunity to meet Governor Rod Blagojevich. She held out her hand and said clearly and perfectly, ''Pleased to meet you, Governor Blagojevich." He paid rapt attention and appeared suitably impressed. Actually, he was extremely nice and was able to find common ground with her - an interest in cartoons. It really meant a lot to her. I think he is a good Governor and really hope he gets reelected next year.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Sad and Stupid

I have been following the story of the Hyatte's - the couple in Tennessee, where he is in prison, she is a prison nurse who is fired for her involvement with him, so she busts him out of jail and kills a prison guard. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/08/10/courthouse.shooting/index.html

Thankfully they were caught tonight, and they should have been. I would love to someday hear them explain my big question. Which is, you pull off a big jailbreak. You then stay in friggin motels and go out in public so people can see you? You take a cab from the scene of one motel to the next? I wouldn't be in this situation, but, I have one word - camping. Okay, a couple more camping supplies. Geez. Ahhh, George and Jennifer Hyatte, I am glad you went down without anymore loss of life. My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Cotton Morgan, the officer killed. He sounds like a really nice man and he so did not deserve this. http://www.volunteertv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3701601

And I don't even know what to say about this story - http://www.local10.com/news/4833092/detail.html?subid=22100404&qs=1;bp=t
I recall when this first hit the news, but, missed some of the aftermath. What an arrogant beotch.

So, the blog is changing. I am a crime and news junkie and have decided to express my opinions on those subjects but will still blog about other aspects of my life. But just writing daily housewife stuff isn't as much fun as one might think. Hard to go back and recap the past week or so, but, in a few words - I have bad hay fever, the guarfenesin is maybe working, maybe not. It is really hot. And I have perfected the art of smoking pork butts in my Weber.

And I found a butcher. A real butcher that knows his cuts of meat!!!! I will be having a lot of fun with my Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook - which by the way is a really great cook book. It is too hot for a lot of that kind of food right now.

Tonight the Wild Child and I ordered out to a local pizzaria as The Rock is away on business and we deserved a treat. But, not any we had to go out in the heat for.