Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Exciting Times

I just learned about a great place, Squidoo, and am getting started there. I hope to blend this blog with that site and my work there.

On the home front, I am getting ready to host Thanksgiving. The menu is so standard I am almost embarrassed to post it, but, hey, it what we like.

Roast Turkey
Two kinds of dressing - corn bread and white bread
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Baked sweet potatoes with butter and sour cream
Relish Tray - assorted olives and pickles
Green Bean Casserole
Cranberry relish - the garlic/chutney from http://www.npr.org
Rainbow jello (courtesy of my daughter)
Green Salad
Yeast Rolls
Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Pie and Apple Pie
Milk, Soda, Water, Tea or Coffee

Sounds good to me. Luckily, my Mother and daughter are helping cook it. Also, the Rock cooks the turkey.

So, today I am focusing on getting the house cleaned. Tomorrow is about cooking!