Friday, March 14, 2014


Even though for the most part, I have been writing all along, my efforts are pathetic. Or maybe not, I just never finish things. I am still working on two books, and actually a third. But, I never finish. 

I need to get better at this.  I just read "Country Girl:A Memoir" by Edna O'Brien.  I had read "Country Girls" years ago, and some of her other books through the years.  I recently read "Country Girls, a Trilogy" which also included "The Lonely Girl" and "Country Girls in Their Wedded Bliss".  

I have really liked everything I have read by her.  Her life is quite interesting. What strikes me is how close in age she is to my Mother. Both born in 1930, and what drastically different lives they had. One of the biggest reasons, in my opinion, is Ms O'Brien's desire to write. 

Reading it as made me think yet again about why I need to be more motivated and not quite. Not have such gaps, either on this blog, or other endeavors.  So I will try.

All these changes!

I see  I have a lot to learn about Blogger after three years. Jeeze Louise.  I will endeavor to learn them and not just say eff it as I have done in the past.

I can't believe how good I am

I think about this blog all the time, and didn't think it had been almost 3 friggin years since I posted. What is wrong with me?  Lazy?  Maybe.

I admire those who blog daily, and once again I aspire to do the same.  One problem is I have so many ideas I can't focus on one and then I do nothing. However, yet again I am turning over a new leaf.  I will post more than once a week.  There, how's that?

What is up with me. Well for the most part, things are much the same. I have ran for my city's city council last year and won. That has kept me busier than I thought it would be.  Still have the same health issues. Still married to the Rock. Still cosmetic obsessed. Still love to read. Still addicted to Facebook, music and crafts.  Think I have hit it all.  Oh, and of course the news.  I guess I hit the news for the most part on Facebook. I need to write in more detail about my views. Why?  Why not?

I just got a new hair style which is enough of a change to brag about. Will post a picture.