Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Thoughts on Blah

It's another great day in paradise. This morning I have been thinking about blah. Ordinary. Mundane. I suppose those are both words for blah. A fellow Momwriter, has started blogging - check her out at http://blatheringhousewife.blogspot.com/

Blah is good. In the ordinary, we are extraordinary if that makes sense. Years ago, in another lifetime, I lived in Nashville and had some encounters with the out of the ordinary and realized I would never like that. When I came home, met my now husband and got married, I was happy. I probably would have worked after I had my daughter, but health problems intruded and it ended up that I am mostly a SAHM. And, I am happy with that. I find bliss in the mundane. Sometimes I think this is because I did marry when I was in my thirties and had spent a fair amount of time living single, with no responsibilities and I wore myself out. (sort of) So, now being a homebody for the most part suits me.

We had a lot of rain yesterday and the temp cooled off. The garden is green and has that slightly wild look I really like. It is quiet around here today, the Wild Child is busy in her room, and I suppose I should be concerned, but, I am actually enjoying it. Yesterday, was one of those days that she had to have my attention most of the time, so quiet is good.

Lately, I have really gotten into reading other bloggers, and I will someday, hopefully soon, figure out how to put up a list of blogs I read on a sidebar here. It would make it handy for me. I really like this one, http://www.planethuff.com/darkside

The most recent post there about the disappearance of Shawn Hornebeck interests me a lot as it was pretty close to home. It just blows my mind that children, well anyone, can just disappear. It angers me that sexual predators just run around and that so many children are harmed. I don't have any answers, but, I am angry.

I should be working on many things. My website if I ever want to get it up. My novel. Lessons for a class I will be teaching in the fall. To my credit I am pretty well done with lesson plans for home schooling this year. So, I guess I will try to get started on something.

I also need to decide on dinner today. I have no clue, and no desire to cook. I will probably get over that. I hope.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

You're right. Blah is good. One of the recipes I like to make when I have a no idea what to cook or don't like to cook is pizza lasagna. It's my own creation and the kids love it.

After you prepare the noodles and meat (I use ground turkey), mix the meat with spaghetti sauce.

In a large pan, layer noodles, meat with sauce, a heavy cheese layer--I use cheddar and mozzarella--then a layer of green peppers, layer of mushrooms or whatever else you like on pizza, then keep adding layers until the pan is full.

Bake at 350 to melt the cheese--usually about 15-20 minutes.

It's delicious!

