Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I love Summer!

Yes, I really do. It is warm here, but, not really hot yet. I love it.

The Wild Child is playing with friends here and I am almost worried they are too quiet. Nah, I guess I will not worry and just enjoy the silence. It will end soon enough.

Lately, I have been really inspired to write. The novel I am working on is coming along well. I feel like I have actually been getting guidance in my dreams, and hey, I will take it anywhere I can get it.

Tonight's dinner is going to be easy - grilled chicken breasts, rice, some kind of veggies and salad. Good, tasty and simple.

I have also been working a lot on making my own bath products and will be posting more about that in the near future. This is probably one of my biggest hobbies right now.

I need to clean off my desk and update my home control journal. I also need to get back on track with decluttering - it really doesn't seem to ever end.

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