Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Philosophy Microdelivery Cloths

First, - I love Philosophy and confess that I was so excited about this that I apparently didn't fully read the description. I thought these were cleanings cloths that had cleanser in them, (like Olay's, etc). Teach me to read the descriptions better! They don't have cleanser. I had actually realized that after ordering but before receiving. And I suppose I thought they would be large cloths. They are actually a smaller rectangular doubled cloth of very soft material.

So, I had kind of mixed feelings going into it. I used one with Purity is Simple cleanser. The package says use with Purity Made Simple for a light exfoliation, for the ultimate exfoliation, use the Microdelivery Exfoliating Treatment Wash. The directions then say apply a generous amount of cleanser (did) and then and with gentle pressure, massage one area of the face at a time, using no more than 10 gentle strokes per area.

So, while using I was very unimpressed - it really didn't feel like I was doing anything more than massaging my face with a very soft cloth. Then I got tired of it and rinsed. WOW - I couldn't believe how great my skin felt! Really felt like a decent exfoliation! And I am a regular (once or twice a week) user of The Microdelivery Peel. My skin felt very fresh and soft afterward. I glowed. I glowed this am.

I would imagine one could use these with whatever cleanser you wish. I would personally recommend a Philosophy one as I love Philosophy. But, I think any would work.

At 15.00 for 20 pads, and they recommend you use it once or twice a week, this is actually a bargain on a very fine exfoliating treatment. This could well be enough of an exfoliator for many people.

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