Thursday, June 14, 2007


Still researching and thinking on the five year plan. Since I have never done anything like this before, it is turning out to be harder than I thought.

It is actually hot here today. In the 90's. That so sucks. Dinner will be a cool one. Cesaer Shrimp Salad with Garlic Bread. The Rock likes this - he likes hearty chef type salads. For dessert, fresh fruit. Easy and healthy.

The Wild Child has friends over today. The battle is over playing inside or outside. Yes, I know it is hot. But we don't have the air on yet so it isn't like it is icey inside. Our back yard is very cool and shady. I need to get my wireless router installed and then I will be outside all the time. Our back yard is a higher elevation than the street and is at least 5 - 10 degrees cooler than out front. Plus we have lots of shade and it picks up a nice breeze. I will be stationing myself out there soon.

We don't have the air on yet cause I have a thing about holding off as long as possible. As long as it isn't too hot for the computer and satellite dish, I think it is okay. And it is pleasant to sleep. So far, all of those things are true. The price of electric is horrid now here in Illinois. And our house is old. Our air isn't central anyway which means it is far more expensive and hard to cool. It is hard to keep the whole house cool, so when it has to come on, we have two rooms that we keep really cool and then use fans in the rest. That and things like keep the shades down adn all. And not running the oven. It works out okay.

I guess I should get the girls in soon and let them do crafts. They like to do this every day and I might as well get it over with.

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