Thursday, June 14, 2007

Philosophy Microdelivery Face Wash

I just love this cleanser! At first whiff, I have to confess to being slightly put off - I have never had an issue with the scent of any of the Philosophy Skincare products, although I know some do - and at first whiff, this has a weird smell.

So, I just thought of all the good results I have had and carried on. Although I will be frank and say that if this was someone's first Philosophy Skincare item, I could see where they might be totally put off the product and the line. Which would be a shame, cause this ROCKS!

I have used it with and without the Microdelivery Cleansing Cloths. Without - it is a wonderful exfolitating cleanser. It does lather slightly, and really leaves the skin feeling very clean, very toned and very exfoliated. This has become my daily, in the shower facial cleanser. I apply it when I turn the shower on, (we have to let it warm up a bit) and massage into my skin. Then I hit the shower and while I wet my hair, I continue to massage. Then rinse. Then wow - I can't believe how great my skin feels!

With the Microdelivery Cleansing Cloths - Just WOW! What a wonderful feeling. Using the cloths with this cleanser, you can definitely feel the exfoliating action while you cleanse (see my other review of the cloths with Purity Cleanser). I am very impressed with this. It isn't quite the exfoliation one gets with the Microdelivery 2 step Peel, but damn is it good.

For many people the cleanser with or without the cloths might be all the exfoliation you need.

I really don't understand how Philosophy keeps coming up with such great products, but I hope they keep at it.

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