Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Laundry, Fibromyalgia and Eggplant

Today is starting out great. It is beautiful, cool and lovely in the garden and I have already pegged out one load of laundry and will soon have the second ready to go. Have done half of my morning routine and will finish soon.

I have fibromyalgia. I don't mean this to be about that- and about me whining and moaing as I usually don't . I try very hard to accept I have it, deal with and get on with my life. Except, it does greatly limit me in many ways. I know the limitations and have to deal with them, but they bug me. I have tried countless medications for this, and none of the prescription routines really helped worth a damn. I don't like narcotics and things that make me feel messed up, so several years ago, with my then doctor's okay, I trashed all my prescription medications and went on an herbal routine. (Black cohosh, evening primrose and soy). It helped just as well as the others. I still had pain and fatigue but as I said, I dealt.

For some time though, I have been aware of another treatment using Guaifenesin. (you can read about it here - ) The claim is it doesn't cure you, but it reverses it and makes you feel better. Sounds good? Well, the drawback, and the scarey part, the reason I didn't jump on this, is they say most people feel much worse when the start this, and then feel better. But, that the much worse part can be truly bad. Anyway, after much thought I decided to give it a go. I am on the third day, and so far feel great. Far less fatigue (and if you have never had chronic fatigue, the kind that NEVER goes away, the kind that makes you feel awful every friggin day, you have no idea the hell it is and the marvel when it does lift) it really has lifted a massive amount. Far less pain. But, they say some feel good intitially and then worse then better. Right now I don't know if this is just the better before worse (that could apparently happen at anytime) or if I am one of the lucky few that have it get better, stay better. I am hoping I am. I am trying to think a lot of really positive thoughts about this because if I could feel like I do now all the time I would be very happy. And my life would probably be considerably better than it has been for the past ten years. Cross your finges, send energy, etc.

Again, I didn't write about the fibro for any reason other than so you know where I am coming from. I promise not to dwell on it.

On today's list of things to do - work on the soon to be sitting room. Work on homeschool plans for the new year. We start our new year officially on the day after Labor Day. Of course, learning goes on all the time and some of the Wild Child's summer activities to prevent total boredom are school things. But, we make a big deal of the official first day, with new supplies, new lessons, etc. And I am working on a new control journal. Hate to say, the original got lost. Okay, it wasn't like I used it, so that may be how it disappeared. I think I threw it away. Anyway, I am making a new one. I would love to hear ideas on control journals from any who do use them. What works for you? At the present my routines and all are in my head and in some scattered notes and I want to do better. Am working on reorganizing my desk area.

The Rock and I are both active in our religion and teach classes. Am working on lesson plans for that. Also a website about that.

The stuffed egglant was delicious. The recipe is here Have one left which will be lunch. Yum

On the menu tonight. BBQ from a pork butt I smoked Sunday which turned out pretty damn good. Also, slaw, corn on the cob and Cajun Eggplant Fingers (recipe is here
These are really good. We love eggplant and corn. Also, more tarts by popular demand.

Not sure how I feel about the Supreme Court Nominee. Plan to study a bit on this.

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