Thursday, July 21, 2005


I realized too late yesterday that I put the wrong date on the post yesterday. I am more organized than that. I suppose that I am wanting to get through this week as it is really hot. Too hot. Killing hot.

Our back yard is nice - better early. We have no front yard. Only a back - and a bit of a side yard. Early on we established that The Rock didn't like to cut grass, so we have worked at making it all garden. (Except now we are planning to grass the side yard in the fall. But, it isn't all that big, and we are getting nice sod. The Wild Child made us aware of her need for grass. Hopefully he can weed wack it, which he likes and we don't have to buy a mower just for that area.) And our house is old. It was built in 1832 which makes it one of the oldest in our town. And we don't have central air. (that is on my list of remodel things I am going to sell on ebay.). We have fans all over- but have closed off most of the downstairs where there are window units and use the rest of the house sparingly. It makes a major difference though.

Today I am pretty much doing the same things as yesterday. It happens that way. I really want to get the office corner, and my desk done this week. Lots of books to deal with. I may have to change some things on the plan - doing the soon to be sitting room involves putting things in other areas and in a shed outside. With the heat, I may have to just stop that till next week. Will work mostly on curriculum and planning. After I get the desk and all cleaned up. And deciding what to get rid of. So I guess it is not the same. Most of the routine is done.

I ended up not cooking yesterday. When TR got home, TWC begged him to go to MacDonald's and buy her a happy meal as she is collecting the NeoPets in them. So, he did - and her order was nuggets, apple slices and apple juice, he got me a chicken salad and something for him. I like good food, but, I do occasionally like MacDonald's. TWC would eat there three meals a day if we let her. We don't. Since the Neopets thing started she has now collected four. We all like playign on Neopets. It is really fun, even for adults.

So, tonight's dinner is last nights. But, I really don't think I am baking anything, and dessert will be ice cream or fruit, or both. Have some blackberries ripe so will get them this afternoon. That part of garden goes into shade late afternoon.

I just turned on CNN and there is another tube bombing or something in London. Apparently they found three "bombs" but they only had detonators . WTF is going on. And I wonder when it will start here.

Finished Harry Potter yesterday. Good read, but, very sad over the end. And sad over the 2 year wait for the next one. LOL

Have a great Thursday and stay cool if it is hot where you are.



Barefoot Domestic Goddess said...

I wonder about the phoenix and Dumbledore. Maybe he will begin talking via the picture.

I heard somewhere - it was a while back, that she said she planned 7 but was considering 8. I haven't seen that mentioned in the publicity on this one.

My DH will never read it, although he really likes the movies. But, then he isn't a reader for pleasure.

Barefoot Domestic Goddess said...

I will have to look - we have to get a new battery charger for the digital. Actually, I am not sure how old the house looks, right now it is covered in white vinyl siding. Which I desperatly want off. DH is afraid of what he will find, and really I can't see us doing it anyother way than as DIY. I think it will be okay. Some others in the neighborhood are close in age, although ours is the oldest. They have been tuck pointed and then painted, like white, brick red, green and I think look great.

Oh, yeah, ours is a pain to cool. We have room air conditioners in the front down stairs roomsm and have it closed off - we are all sleeping downstairs as it is so darn hot here. There are fans circulating the warmer rooms. Our electric is outrageous. That is the number one thing I am going to start the ebay thing for - to save the money for central air (and a new furnace) for the whole house. I fantasize about central air.