Monday, March 07, 2011

This Might Actually Be Funny

Or maybe not. Yes, I realize it has been almost 2 years. And, yes, I realize I have had this starting up crap before, but, this time I mean it. LOL


I realize I have to blog about things I care about. I also realize that I think I will primarily be a beauty blogger. I read a lot of them, so, I am going to do my own. Rather than start a new one, I decided to revive this one. I may write about a variety of things but will probably always be primary about beauty.

I also have a camera, will be learning how to use it and will eventually have my own pictures. Until I work out a few things and really can do some, I will use stock photos. But, hopefully not for long.

I have a lot to learn and relearn about blogging, so bear with me.

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