Friday, February 09, 2007

It Never Ends

The quest for organization. I guess the biggest problem is we have a small home and we like stuff. Our house was built in 1832 and they didn't build in closets back then. We have exactly two in the whole house. So, we have to be creative. Right now I am trying to figure out how to store more bathroom stuff. As mentioned in other posts, the Wild Child and I love LUSH products and have a nice little stash of goodies. At the present, they are in a long oval basket - but I don't like this for several reasons. One they are kind of piled on top of each other and I would rather have them all in a single layer. I guess what I need is one of those small stacked drawers sets, but, finding what I want is proving to be a challenge. Most are plastic, and I would rather not have that. Although if it ends up being all I can find, I suppose I can and then put the unit on a shelf in the corner. But, I am crossing my fingers that I find one in wicker or rattan or something. Then I can have it sit on top of a small wooden chest of drawers, where the basket is currently. This makes it handy. If you have any ideas, let me know.


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