Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday all day

Hope you're having a great Friday. I am, I suppose, although it is a very big Friday in my life, I have quit smoking. Why today? I don't know. I was finishing a pack late last night, when I realized it was my last pack, and I thought, either I could run up to the local convenient store and get some, which being about midnight I really didn't want to do, or, leave a note for DH to get me some before work, which he would do, but, I just thought, NO. No it is time to stop. So I found a couple patches on top the fridge in a med basket I keep there (hmmmm, there is a project, reorganize the crap on top the fridge) and stuck one on my arm, I have a couple boxes of Smoking Withdrawal tabs from Natra Bio which is a homeopathic product that provides relief for cravings, nervous tension, irritability, all the while helping one detoxify. I bought some early summer when I thought I might quit but didn't attempt it. Oh, and I also have some Endits from the same earlier time - although then I bought all the stuff and then said screw it I don't want to quit. So I can't really say I tried any of them, except the patch, but, I was thinking the other two things will help. And you know, so far they are. I am not plotting a run for smokes and I really think, although maybe I am afraid to say it, that this is it? Wish me luck.

I am anxiously awaiting the UPS to bring me the books I ordered. One being the Martha Stewart Homemaking book pictured at left. I have to run out in a bit, run a couple quick errands (go to bank, pay sewer/trash bill at City Hall and that is it. I went to the grocery store Wednesday and other than running out and getting milk (but I don't want to go get that one, we buy it from a store called Farm Fresh on the other side of town cause they have hormone free milk, but, it is also the store with best deals on cigs in town, so I need to stay out of there. For a few days anyway. DH can get later. So actually it is a pretty good Friday in terms of not having to run all over. But, I hate to leave till the books come as UPS just leaves the boxes on the front porch and last year I had a pair of shoes stolen!

My three kitties are running around like wild cats right now. I have a chair by my desk that I have a Surefit slip cover on and they are currently running under the slipcover and over the chair and down the back. It appears to be some kind of game. .

Chores today - pretty much just the basics as I am okay with the not smoking but figure I should take it easy. Although having written that I am now wondering if activity is the answer. Hmmm. Well, I also have to do some campaign literature and that will get me outside a while. I also plan on doing some pilates later (I do Winsor Pilates, which I adore.) I am actually thinking of doubling a workout and also doing them daily for a while instead of three time a week.

And I must write today, the NaNoWriMo thing is going great. I have 3200 words, so I am better than my goal, but, I decided to write daily anyway. And probably not going to take the weekend off. We'll see.

Must remember to stop and get some kind of sugar free candy. I like Charm's Sour Balls but they are sugared so I don't want to suck on many of those. Most sugarfree candy though isn't that great, I haven't seen any made with Splenda, which would probably help. Ah, maybe I would be better off munching on carrot and celery sticks or brushing my teeth a lot. That with the Endits might help. Maybe that and just very occasional use of the Charm's which are sitting here anyway. My biggest problem I have always thought in quitting smoking is the act of smoking. I like the idea of pulling out the cig, lighting it, inhaling, etc. (must stop this) so the Endits do give that ritual thingy. I know they tell you change your routine, but, that is so hard, actually the changing the routine to something temporary which will not be my real routine ends up, in my opinion, being my problem. So, I am doing everything the way I normally do, with a few small exceptions and moving on ward. I am trying to keep in my mind a smoke free life and all and keep telling myself that the first few days or week will be the hardest.

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